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Mindfully Made is an outgrowth of owner, Carol Bahr’s passion to research, formulate, and craft plant-based products which safely nourish and support the body inside and out. Her vision is to share these high quality products with others and . . .

. . . move the needle toward a more mindful community.

Carol's Journey

Carol Bahr, Mindfully Made

I have been interested in how the body works for as long as I can remember and naturally gravitated toward health-related classes throughout my formal schooling.

After receiving a bachelor’s degree in fitness management and a master’s in physical education, I spent five years working in the corporate wellness field employed through Saint Luke’s Health System. I truly enjoyed my hands-on role developing relationships with the employees, whether as a personal trainer or through a variety of employee health-education programs.

During this time, I married my college sweetheart, Jared, and in 2008 we were blessed with the arrival of our first child, Anna. This amazing little addition switched my focus from career to family, and I transitioned into the wonderful role of full-time mom. When Anna was 1, a long-time acquaintance lost her fight with cancer at the young age of 30. I was fortunate to spend time with her and her 2-year old son during her final weeks of life. These shared moments revealed the parallels in our lives, especially the common thread of mothering a young child. It was heartbreaking to witness this young boy losing his mom, and it was impossible not to imagine what life would be like for my family if it had been me. Witnessing her loss was a turning point in my life that lit a fire inside of me to search for answers. Why is disease so prevalent in our society? Why is disease not age-discriminate? How can one best support the body preventatively?

From one resource to the next, I followed the rabbit trail of information. I spent hours researching and learning how nutritional choices impact the body, which led to the realization that what goes on our skin and in our lungs is equally as vital as what we eat.

The journey so far has made it clear to me that we are capable of taking steps to support the body’s internal ecosystem.

In an effort to use everyday products made with ingredients in their natural state, yet not break the bank, I began hand-making the majority of the products used in our home from deodorant and lotion to DIY natural remedies for the winter. Herbs play a large part in several of the homemade products, which is how the first Mindfully Made product, Natural Neo, was born. I began making Natural Neo as a diaper rash remedy for my friend’s daughter. It worked very well and overtime it has been wonderfully effective for a variety of skin issues.


Our second child, Luke, joined our family in 2012. Shortly thereafter, a friend and I had a strong desire to develop a network of women who shared our passion for pursuing whole-body wellness. Around the time Luke turned 1, Made By A Mama held its first meeting. This group of ladies has a heart for creating safe environments to raise their families. We meet regularly to bulk-prepare products in an effort to cost save. The gatherings serve as a time for the ladies to share ideas and resources, and to be part of a mindful community.

This group inspired me to spread the sense of community and increase connections among like-minded people by offering how-to classes and ladies-night-out events. I am excited for the opportunity to share information on how to mindfully make products, how to navigate the big box store aisles when buying products off the shelf and to empower others to start their own mindful networks. Nothing fills my soul more than connecting with others and being a part of the positive change that is possible when they become curiously motivated to shift to a more mindful way of living.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story with you. I hope someday to connect with you and learn your story, too.

~ Carol Bahr

A mind stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes